PMP Exam Simulator

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3h 50m 0s
info iconPMP exam lasts 230min and has 180 questions
info iconUse acceleration to have extra 30m in reserve on exam

lock iconStakeholder Management

You are managing a project to oversee the move of two server rooms of a larger corporation. They are moving to another state and you are responsible to make sure servers and network infrastructure components are properly moved to the new location. It's important that you move the first server room as soon as possible, then you can take care of the second server room. You start with backing up all the data, including software and hardware backups. Your team performs the software backup which ensures that any lost data can be quickly recovered. Hardware backups may include replacement servers or other information technology equipment; if there should be loss or damage, it can be easily replaced or repaired. You ask a stakeholder to review and approve the hardware back up plan, but the stakeholder replies that he will not provide his feedback this time because his prior recommendations for the software backup have not been implemented. The stakeholder is under the impression that his opinion doesn't matter. What should you do in this situation?